An Italian teacher has decided to forgo setting the usual holiday homework for his students and has instead given them a list of life advice. 意大利一位淳厚决定用一系列的生涯提议来代替旧例的学生暑期功课。
Most schoolchildren in Italy are given school work to complete over the three-month summer holidays, which stretch from mid-June to mid-September. But Cesare Cata, who teaches at a secondary school in the central Le Marche region, wants his students to use their time off for less academic pursuits. "At least once, go and watch the sunrise", he writes in the 15-point "homework" list, which has since gone viral. Students are also told to wander beside the sea in the morning "thinking of the things you love in life", and to dance shamelessly when the mood strikes, because "summer is a dance, and it is foolish not to take part". 意大利的暑假长达三个月,从六月中旬一直抓续到九月中旬,大部分学生都需要在这期间完成学校移交的功课。关联词,介怀大利马尔凯中部地区,一位名叫凯撒•卡塔的中学淳厚却不要修业生作念太多功课,而是在假期里“至少去看一次日出”。他留的功课清单一共有15条,已在应答网罗上被疯传。他还让学生们清晨去海边散步,“想考你东谈主生中爱作念的事”,想跳舞时就跳舞,不要认为欺凌,因为“夏天就像一场跳舞,不是其中的一份子才应该认为欺凌。”
Mr Cata doesn't want students to forget school completely, though, and urges them to read widely and use all of the new terms they learned in the past year. "The more things you can say, the more things you can think; and the more things you can think, the freer you are," he says. 不外卡塔淳厚也不但愿学生们都备把学业抛在一边,他敦促学生们要等闲阅读,要多用他们在往日一年中学到的扫数新词。“你能说的东西越多,能意料的东西就越多;意料的东西越多,你就越解放。”他说。
More than 3,000 people have shared the teacher's Facebook post, and hundreds have left positive comments. "I wish I'd had a teacher like you who encourages reflection and introspection," one person writes. The list seems to have struck a chord with many parents, who say they have shared it with their children. "Homework for life, not just for a season," one Facebook user says, while another declares: "With a teacher like you, I would go back to school tomorrow!" 脸书上跳跃三千东谈主共享了卡塔淳厚上传的功课清单,还出奇百东谈主留住了积极正面的商酌。“我但愿我也能有个像你这么的淳厚饱读吹(咱们)反想自我,”有东谈主这么写谈。这份清单似乎也引起了许多家长的共识,那些家长和孩子共享了这份“功课”。脸书的一位用户说:“这是一世都要作念的功课,而非一季的功课,”还有又名用户则默示:“有你这么的淳厚,我欢腾未来就回学校去!”
forgo: 淹没 introspection: 内省 strike a chord: 引起共识
(英文起原:英国播送公司 译者:蓝翠娟SCNU 剪辑:马文英)fc2 萝莉